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Companies with defined negotiation processes in place are significantly more profitable and resilient that those that do not. As a direct result of NewDawn’s world-class experience and insights, as professional buyers and sellers, we ensure that our clients not only have these processes in place but have a clear understanding of the strategies, tools and techniques employed by the other party in a commercial negotiation.

We help buyers and sellers understand the other parties’ perspective through innovative analysis. This gives them a quantum leap forward in achieving outstanding results in their negotiations. We pride ourselves on our ability to develop creative negotiation skills that are tailored to meet the client’s specific negotiation challenge rather than delivering an ‘off-the-shelf’ or ‘one-size meets all’ solution. This builds confidence and belief in dealing with complex and/or robust negotiations.

"Analysis has proven that those companies with defined negotiation processes in place are significantly more profitable and resilient that those that do not"

Source IACCM

Support for CIPS project reviewing the...

NewDawn Partners (Mark Henderson) provide support to CIPS working as part of the team reviewing the United Nations approach to Category Management. This resulted in a number of changes being identified and proposed to the UN which they are now adopting.

February 2019

Profitable Relationship Management and...


In the Services sector, negotiations with clients are notoriously fraught and festooned with complexity around prices, over-servicing and scope creep. Our view is that this is an opportunity, not a problem!

In our last issue of NewDawn Briefing, we described why Services Businesses are so vulnerable when it comes to Negotiation. We highlighted five key themes:

  • The preconditions are stacked against the sellers
  • There is a lack of commercial information and acumen
  • There is a preponderance of unassertive behaviour
  • Many sales people exhibit poor persuasion communication skills when under pressure.
  • There is an inherent failure to learn.

In this issue, we will look at the solutions to these challenges and how to turn the ‘problem into a virtue’. Read on...

September 2017

Why are Services Businesses So Vulnera...

Negotiation can be a tough-enough confrontation for anyone. But, some businesses are particularly vulnerable. Take the Services Sector Businesses for example. Renowned for having some of the brightest and most innovative minds around, and equally renowned for being ‘soft’ in negotiation.

You will probably recognise the scene: The weight of expectation sits heavily on our shoulders – “Do not lose this opportunity” the boss said as we left the office. It’s been a tough Quarter and the team is under pressure. This deal would alleviate a lot of that. Now, we’ve made our best pitch, submitted our best proposal and beamed our best smile. It’s that defining moment.

One of two things can now happen:

  • The moment that we inwardly dreaded as we hear the words “You’re too expensive”. Suddenly, we are in the nauseous and icy grip of failure.
  • Or we hear the glorious news “Congratulations, we have decided to move ahead with your company, all we have to do is sort the commercials next week”. Celebrations begin early as the deal is in the bag.

But, perhaps all is not quite as it seems! Want to know why? Read on...

September 2017

The NewDawn Approach to Negotiation

We define Negotiation as “A clear process, between two or more parties, in order to achieve the most favourable, mutually acceptable solution possible, where both parties are initially in conflicting positions”

In short, it is how we resolve our differences!

Our approach is to help negotiators see alternative perspectives through innovative analysis to provide confidence and belief that enables the delivery of truly exceptional results by using highly effective negotiation practices and behaviours. Our client’s business needs are at the core of the negotiating strategy and drive profit and value growth whilst developing effective relationships through a broad understanding of buyer and seller positioning and power.

June 2017

Managing the Internal Sale

These articles are designed to update our readers on current trends, best practises and provide useful tips for overcoming difficult challenges. This covers one of the main challenges that many of our clients were facing in recent months; ‘the internal sale’ ie persuading internal stakeholders to support their projects and plans. All too often, this is overlooked or simply done badly! So, here are some do’s and don'ts on the subject of ‘Managing the Internal Sale’

March 2016

Sales Force Automation

How to ensure you gain the expected value from SFA and avoid the pitfalls – it’s not just a software application!

January 2016

How to Fight for a Deal

Simon Buzza examines how we can use military methods to achieve better results at the negotiating table.

June 2015

Find Your Fighting Spirit

Article by NewDawn’s Simon Buzza published by the Journal of the Institute of Sales Marketing Management in their bi-monthly journal Winning Edge in March 2012.

April 2012

We are privileged to have worked with some of the best global, regional and national companies. Here is a snap shot of some of those companies:

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Registered Address:
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Camberley, Surrey.
GU15 3SY, UK.