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We specialise in improving the performance of Buyers and Sellers by targeting those areas where they meet and do business together. We specifically focus on competency development, live project support and training for individuals and teams in:

  • Sales and Account Management skills for Sellers
  • Procurement and Purchasing skills for Buyers
  • Negotiation skills for Sellers and Buyers

At the core of the buyer-seller interface is Negotiation. We ensure that your negotiation capability is maximised by team and individual competency development through training, coaching and mentoring, and where appropriate live project support.


The way we work has been formed out of many years of working with experts all over the world. We have pulled together the best of this experience to help develop our NewDawn Approach:

  • Respect our clients - a special and personal relationship
  • Be driven by the client’s business needs
  • Be flexible and innovative
  • Solve business problems (not just reports delivered)
  • Implement enduring change not just a short term fix
  • Work alongside you as part of your team


We (re-)energise your leaders and their teams to:

  • Really understand and unlock value
  • Sell and buy smarter
  • Develop the behaviours that are inspirational and appropriate to each unique business situation
  • See creative and often counter intuitive solutions
  • Deliver significant business and financial improvements whilst enhancing both individual and team credibility.



We pride ourselves in our guiding principles which we have used from the start of NewDawn:

  • teamwork
  • openness
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • professionalism


Bronwen Andrews, New Business Development Director MSLGROUP EMEA


Who needs business relationships?You do! Right now, many firms and individuals are experiencing challenges across some of t... More »

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Rule No 4 – “Clarify and Understand your own Value Before you start”

Value is the extent to which a product or service is perceived by the other party to meet his or her needs or desires, measured by their willingness to pay for it. It commonly depends more on their perception of the worth of the product than its intrinsic value.

So… if we “deliver value” we’ve satisfied a need or desire of someone at a price they were willing to pay. We’ve provided someone with a benefit for a reasonable cost – value for money. That sounds straight forward enough. So, why then is value one of the most talked about aspects of Sales, Purchasing and Negotiation? Most talked about, but least well understood, implemented or used. Why? Because it takes time, effort and emotional intelligence to understand the other party’s perception, drivers and motivation, and is therefore difficult.

We are privileged to have worked with some of the best global, regional and national companies. Here is a snap shot of some of those companies:

© Copyright The NewDawn Partnership 2024.
All rights reserved.

The NewDawn Partnership LLP is registered in England and Wales,
no. OC331989.
Registered Address:
Knoll House, Knoll Road,
Camberley, Surrey.
GU15 3SY, UK.